Sunday, October 9, 2011
Getting ready for this year's Mission Market Place
I have been very busy lately getting ready for this year's Advent Conspiracy Mission Market Place to be held on November 19th. Trying to get together a bunch of phone covers, fingerless gloves, scarves, and cowls in school colors for Auburn, Alabama, and Tennessee. Also some just regular colored cowls and scarves, some of which will be done in the yarns that I hand dyed. I am also working on this month's Mystery 220 KALs. I also have Jeremy's socks cast on as well as a pair for me and a couple of shawls. Not certain when I will get all of this finished. Need to send out emails to remind the other Knitting/Crocheting ladies of the marketplace and things we need.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
A Week of Vacation
Took a weeks vacation in the hopes of getting a bunch of stuff done. Unfortunately, did not complete everything on my to do list. Did get some house work done. Also completed a pair of socks and am over half way done with a second pair. Also got some more yarn dyed. Here are the completed projects.
I also received the skein of yarn that I won from Kraemer on Ravelry. Plus I have a number of pairs of socks, some hats, scarves, and cowls I need to get made. I also have three more hanks of yarn to dye. I need more hours in my day or something.
I also received the skein of yarn that I won from Kraemer on Ravelry. Plus I have a number of pairs of socks, some hats, scarves, and cowls I need to get made. I also have three more hanks of yarn to dye. I need more hours in my day or something.
Monday, September 5, 2011
The Rest of August Into September

Kollage McTwist Hat in Kollage Lofty
Worked in Kraemer Naturally Nazereth
Since the first of the month I have cast on three pair of socks and a shawlette. The socks are Jen Hansen's Vokuhila that I am working in Kollage Sockalicious Mango, Antje Gillingham's Bjorn's Manly Herringbone Socks in Blue Ridge Jubilee in Blue Grace, and Anne Hanson's Almondine Socks in Kraemers Sterling Silver & Silk in Lavendar Scent. The shawlette is Ann Hanson's Leafprints Shawlette worked in Kollage Sockalicious in Marina. I also have several shawls and cowls I would like to at least get started on this month for the November Mission MarketPlace. I also need to get started to two more men's socks, another hat, and a scarf plus guess I should try to come up with something for James' girlfriend. If I do that then that means something for the other two girlfriends. Not sure I will be able to get all that finished in time plus would like to get three or four more hat and scarf sets finished for the Costa Rican orphanage. REALLY need to set down an prioritize my to do list. First deadline is in early October for the stuff going to Costa Rica, mid-November for mission marketplace, and early December for family Christmas gifts.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Latest Endeavors
I recently found directions on the internet for dying yarn using Wilton's Cake Icing Coloring. So I purchased 10 skeins of Kraemer undyed/natural fingering sock yarn from my dear friend Teresa at Hook A Frog and having been having some new yarn fun. Here are the results
I have also been making socks. Here are some views of the latests.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
What I've Been Up to Lately
Since my last post if have been busy working on new projects and learning new techniques. I have completed my Inca Collar Tunic with has a collar that is colorwork along the lines of Faire Isle. I completed the Roulette Scarf. I have also started a scarf using Laura Bryant's color blending technique. In the planning stages are an Intarsia project, a diagonally striped tee using Naturally Caron Spa, plus the yarn for a bunch of socks, an Alpaca top, another top that will feature Nina from Fiber Arts handdyed silk and Naturally Caron Spa, and a top using Bernat Baby Coordinates in peach. Here are pictures of the most recent finished projects.
This simple tee made with Naturally Caron Spa is made to be worn with an earlier lacy cardigan made with the same yarn.
The top picture shows more of the collar detail
This view shows the full tunic modeled on my duct tape dress form.
This is an original design done by me. The colorwork collar is based on an Inca Design from some Incan pottery.
It took me several tries to get the tunic done to my satisfaction. But it was a real learning experience not only into my first adventure in Faire Isle type color work but also in designing a garment from conception to completed project.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Two finished projects and a new play project
I finished the Simple Spring Swing Cardigan and a personal creation I call Amore' Peplum Top. I had some problems with the Swing Cardigan so I added some embellishment in the form of crocheted flowers and embrodiered stems which went along with the spring theme and also the wooden flower buttons.
My second completed project was actually begun months ago when I was struggling with the TLC Amore' yarn that I had purchased from Herrschner's back in Nov 2010. I completed a shawl with the yarn that worked beautifully and then struggled with several patterns. I completed a split sleeve top out of the black but the Lt. Thyme green that I made the shawl out of just did not work with any of the patterns I choose. Amore' is a very soft drapy yarn that tends to grow. I finally began a top that I designed myself but was not really thrilled with and therefore the project sat uncompleted for several months. This week I took it up and completed it quickly and am kind of pleased with the finished project. It is crocheted. The top portion is completed in sections; back, front, and both sleeves. This part is then joined together. The yarn is then joined to the bottom circle of the top and worked from the top down. Initially the number of stitches is decreased for approximately 2" and then increased again. At the very bottom I changed from single crochet to double crochet for a little more lacey look. Since the neck opening was a little larger than needed which caused my bra straps to show I added the two ties made from simple chain cords. I can untie the cords to get the top over my head and then tie them to prevent bra straps from showing.
Also this week I got in a marvelous new DVD that has given me all storts of ideas and the incentive to begin some new techniques. The first one of these is from designer Lorna Miser. On the DVD she shows how she used a game spinner to choose which of 12 strands of yarn and which of several stitches to work up a sample swatch of the yarns. The yarn she used was a special handdyed yarn that she was featuring at a yarn show. I took her idea to begin making a scarf. I chose twelve yarns from my stash of left overs and place each on in a hole around a styrofoam plate. I punched the holes in at where the numbers would appear on a clock and the spinner is like the hour hand. At each dash I wrote a number from 2-8. I also chose stitch patterns and wrote those next to the number. With this method no matter how many scarves I or other people make no two will be alike. Here is my work in progress on the first one.
I also got my yarn bowl this week from Ned Corron and it is wonderful to use. It is holding the yarn for my next diagonal baby blanket for Choose Life of North Alabama. I have the blanket a little over half way done. It is blue and white stripes (the yarn just naturally stripes) and I will use a blue and white varigated yarn to make the hat.
The another one of the DVDs I got in covers designing your own projects particularly clothing. I have sketched out some tops I might like to try making. I also made my Duct Tape dress form to use in fitting and designing my own clothes. I will also use it to alter my clothing as I continue to loose weight.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Knit two, rip out one.
This week I started the Kollage market bag tote kit that I purchased from Teresa at Hook-A-Frog. Got about 1/3 of the way done and discovered that I had misread the instructions so had to unravel most of it. When I get that I got the yarn all tangled up and made a royal rat's nest which took almost a full day to unravel. Now I have almost completed the bag (down to the handle). It is fairly easy pattern once you understand it and therefore think I will make several out of Lilly's Sugar'N'Cream cotton yarn for the Fall Mission Marketplace. That means that this summer I need to make a bunch of hat and scarf sets in local school colors, i.e., Auburn, Alabama, UT, Bob Jones & Sparkman HS; several Market Bags, and hopefully Barbara and other will make some prayer shawls, afghans, and lapghans. Will also make some regular hat and scarves maybe of nice lacy ones in lovely varigated and solid colors. Then I will also have to make Christmas presents for Karen & the kids. Would be nice if I had time to make everyone a sweater or at least Karen and the great grandkids, maybe Jen.
The Tote (Mine is more of an apricot/orange color)
And this is the Scarf Kit I also purchased from Teresa it is also a Kollage Kit
Next week, once I have finished the tote, I'll start on another baby set. Have some Jo-Ann's Sensations yarn in blue and white that I will use to make a couple of blue & white sets for little boys and that will give me a total of 10 sets to take to Choose Life. I did finish the lace prayer shawl I was working on and I have a good sized collection between what I have finished and the bunch that Barbara Macksey has made. She crochets such lovely lacey shawls and she does about one a week. I am sure Ted will be surprised and pleased. I have also found a simple pillow pattern to make a few more pillows out of yarn scraps (left overs from other projects). Then it will be time to start on all of the stuff for Mission Marketplace.
The Tote (Mine is more of an apricot/orange color)
And this is the Scarf Kit I also purchased from Teresa it is also a Kollage Kit
Next week, once I have finished the tote, I'll start on another baby set. Have some Jo-Ann's Sensations yarn in blue and white that I will use to make a couple of blue & white sets for little boys and that will give me a total of 10 sets to take to Choose Life. I did finish the lace prayer shawl I was working on and I have a good sized collection between what I have finished and the bunch that Barbara Macksey has made. She crochets such lovely lacey shawls and she does about one a week. I am sure Ted will be surprised and pleased. I have also found a simple pillow pattern to make a few more pillows out of yarn scraps (left overs from other projects). Then it will be time to start on all of the stuff for Mission Marketplace.
Friday, April 8, 2011
A New Sweater
Here is the sweater that I finished this week. It is made with Dark Driftwood Naturally Caron Spa which is a yarn that is 75% Microdenier Acrylic and 25% Rayon made from Bamboo. It took 9 skeins.
Now I am working on a Red Heart pattern, Simple Spring Swing Cardigan made with Red Heart Eco-Ways yarn which is a recycled yarn that is 70% Acrylic and 30% recycled polyester and the color is Fern.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Another busy week
Last week I finished all of the baby hats to go with the baby blankets that I had made for Choose Life of North Alabama. I also started a new sweater in the Red Heart Eco-ways recycled yarn that I finally got in last week. I had ordered the yarn from Herrschner's back in January and it has been on backorder all of this time. It is a lovely shade of green called Fern Green. The pattern I am using is a Spring Swing Jacket from I am also almost finished with the crocheted lacy jacket I am making with NaturallyCaron Spa yarn. It is a bamboo blend yarn and I just love the feel of the new bamboo yarns they are so soft. This will be the second lacy Spring jacket I have made with this yarn. I also started a lacy shawl for the prayer shawl ministry at church. It is a lovely varigated yarn by Caron (Simply Soft Paints) in a blend of blue, aqua, pruple, and charcoal. The pattern is called Shoreline Lace Shawl and the color of the yarn is Oceana. The pattern looks like riverlets or wavelets of water flowing along a shore. Hope this next week will be as productive as this one.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Another week and more finished projects
This week I finished the yellow diagonal baby blanket using Lion Brand's Pound of Love yarn. I also completed 2 yellow and 2 green baby hats to go with some of the baby blankets. These will all go to Choose Life. I am also about 1/2 way through another sweater for myself using NaturallyCaron Spa yarn. It will make another nice spring/summer sweater. This one is crocheted. I also got in several new books that have Plus Sized patterns both crocheted and knitted. I saw several that I like and have added them to my planned projects. I also need to decide what I want to work on next for charities. I think I am ready to work on some scarves and hats for next fall's Mission Marketplace. Then maybe some prayer shawls or maybe back to baby blankets as I still have plenty of yarn left. Also want to work at doing some chain-free crochet projects.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Latest Projects
Have not posted in a long time but I have been busy knitting and crocheting. I have finished four baby blankets for Chose Life, plus the 72 crocheted cross bookmarkets. I have also completed two sweaters for myself. Here are the photos.
Short lacey cardigan (Stella) - Berroco pattern in Naturally Caron Spa Ocean Spray. Knit for myself.
Easy Cardigan for me - Lion Brand pattern |
Diagonal Baby Blanket - Red Heart Cloud yarn in Tutti-Fruitti for Choose Life |
Love Diagonal Baby Blanket - Lion Brand Pattern - for Choose Life |
Short lacey cardigan (Stella) - Berroco pattern in Naturally Caron Spa Ocean Spray. Knit for myself.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Crocheted Crosses
Here are the crosses I am crocheting for the Costa Rican Karios mission trip that some of my friends from church are going on the end of January. I have completed 53 and 19 more to get done before Jan 23rd. This is a project that I always enjoy doing. In the past I have made them in a solid color or one colored cross and a different colored border. This year I decided to make them out of an Aunt Lydia crochet thread color called Mexicana not only in honor of the Latin American recipients but also because Karios & Emmaus use bright primary colors and call them "DeColores".
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Busy Fall Season
This has been a busy time. It started with getting ready for the Advent Conspiracy Mission Marketplace at church. Then I had to complete several orders for scarves, shawls, and hats. Then I also made some hats for Christmas presents for family members. I have also completed a few sweaters for myself. The last was a lovely rust colored classic pullover. The first day I wore it, a couple of ladies from church presented a program for the United Methodist Women's circle in which I am a member. They had recently been on a mission trip to India. They brought back some Indian scarves and there was one that was a perfect match for the sweater. The church group, in addition to making things for the Mission Marketplace, also presented the group working with a local homeless camp hats, scarves, and socks which were given out at Christmas time. The people in the camp were touched that someone had actually made things for them. The group also presented several prayer shawls to the church's prayer ministry to use in the Storehouse 24-hour prayer vigil. Now I have started on a multicolored tunic sweater after several attempts to do something with some TLC Amore yarn that I just can't seem to work up correctly in something that appeals to me. I think after I finish this sweater I may make a long sleeveless or short sleeved tunic. May use this same pattern if it works up well. Since loosing over 70 pounds I am struggling finding patterns that fit correctly.
I also made a large purchase at the Michael's after Christmas sale and also ordered a large bunch of yarn from Herrschners. The cross I am making for the Costa Rican Kairos team are over half done. I need to make 72 and have finished 48 so far.
So even though I have not posted recently I have been very busy.
I also made a large purchase at the Michael's after Christmas sale and also ordered a large bunch of yarn from Herrschners. The cross I am making for the Costa Rican Kairos team are over half done. I need to make 72 and have finished 48 so far.
So even though I have not posted recently I have been very busy.
This week more socks
Have finished a couple more pairs of socks for the homeless this week. However, the sweater I am working on for myself has been a slow process. It will be pretty once it is finished but it is taking a long time. Although I have a number of patterns I really don't think I will start on another one right away. Instead I need to focus on these socks and then in November I need to get started crocheting the crosses that I make for the Buen Pastor Kairos in January. Also we seem to be slow in making hats and scarves for the homeless so I looked up a pattern yesterday to make some out of fleece just in case we need to have more than the ladies can get done. Also completed and turned over another prayer shawl.
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